Our vision is for a kinder world, and we investigate, lobby and campaign on behalf of all animals, wherever they are from and wherever they need us.
Animals International’s work to protect animals and cultivate kindness for all beings spans dozens of countries.
The many issues impacting animals globally have the same underlying root cause – belief systems that taught us to see and treat animals differently, depending on how they are being ‘used’ and ignoring their shared capacity to suffer.
So, working together with advocates all around the world we can unravel old ways of thinking, reconnect hearts with all animals and take collective leaps forward in the treatment of our fellow species … where ever they may live.

Investigations, lobbying and campaigns.
Our investigations have spanned 16 countries and resulted in dozens of media exposés throughout Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-pacific.
Through exposing the suffering of animals in the live export trade or exploited in the food system and other profit-driven industries, our ground-breaking campaigns have motivated government intervention and inspired community action.
With laws often lagging well behind community expectations when it comes to the treatment of animals – especially farmed animals and wildlife – we use evidence obtained to engage with governments at all levels to influence more animal-friendly policies.
Our country-based investigators bring with them a wealth of cultural experience, local understanding as well as an inherent empathy for animals.
This image contains content which some may find confronting

Collaborating to build a better world.
A kinder, more compassionate world for animals, and humans, requires us to work together, to cooperate and collaborate, to share resources and support each other’s efforts to extend and maximise our collective impact.
Animals International seeks to actively support and collaborate on consciousness-shifting, solutions-based initiatives with other like-minded individuals and groups that help animals, showcase ‘kindness in action’ and ignite a belief in a higher potential for humanity.
Our global emergency and initiative-based grants program is one of the key programs that fall under this important area of our work.
From Jordan and Palestine to South Africa and Europe – we have built strong networks with dozens of organisations and individuals to maximise our collective power to drive needed change for animals.

Inspiring kinder choices.
With more than 70 billion animals raised and killed for food each year – and most of them factory farmed – to change the world for animals we need to change the way we eat.
So, encouraging and helping people to make the kindest choice they can is an important part of Animals International’s advocacy approach.
Our plant-based eating resources have been translated into 14 languages and have assisted hundreds of thousands of people – from Australia to China to Romania – to take animals into their hearts and off their plates.